Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last few days

Uncle Jody was in town visiting Grandpa Cobell and so we went over to see him. We went to a park new bay and let the kids run wild.

Addy and Carter helped Grandma Webb decorate my birthday cake. They did a great job, and it tasted so good because it was made with lots of LOVE. For my birthday I got a new camera from Suzy and Duane. I am so excited, you should be seeing a lot better pictures from now on. Thanks so much.

For Mother's Day we celebrated it on Saturday and we went to this wonderful all you can eat brunch buffet with all you can eat sea food. Everyone ate to there limit and we had a great time. After that we came home and played outside in the warm weather. The kids loved the playhouse in Grandpa and Grandma Webb's back yard, we also got out the badminton and had fun. Addy had a great arm.

What a BIG BOY!


The Tucks said...

Wow! it looks like you guys had a lot of fun! And that cake now has me in cravings!!! I love Washington and Oregon!! Would NOT mind to live there!I'm glad you guys had a lot of fun!