Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well we were suppose to be going to one of our friends house for dinner and then Wednesday afternoon I took Carter to the Doctors. He was not doing so well and so they gave him antibiotics. So I figured we should probably stay home for Thanksgiving. Addy was very upset that we were not going to our friends house to have turkey, so that night I went out and found a turkey that was not frozen. Addy helped me make a pumpkin pie. So we did have turkey dinner and we were thinking that Will would not get home until about 8pm but he made it home at 2:30pm. So that was very nice. I am glad to say that Carter is feeling a lot better. We did have a lot to be thankful for.


ebudd said...

Oh, happy Thanksgiving, Cobells! Wishing you all to be healthy. We're all starting to come down with colds :(

Anonymous said...

We missed you guys so much at thanksgiving.The girls slept all the way through dinner, it was a thanksgiving MIRACLE. I love the picture of Carter eating like a caveman. love you guys