Friday, August 12, 2011

Niagara Falls our First Stop on our Journey

June 24, 2011
We left Burlington, VT yesterday and made our first stop at Niagara Falls. We stayed the night in a hotel that had a great swimming pool which the kids loved and then they got to stay up till 10pm. The next day we slept in and then went and looked at the falls. We took the boat ride, Maid of the Mist and got really wet. They even give you these rain ponchos which Boston really hated, but we still got wet. We went on the look out witch was really high, and we made sure that we held on tight to Boston because we didn't want what happened to that little boy on the Super Man movie to happen to Boston.
While we were eating our lunch there was a bunch of seagulls all around trying to get our food, so the kids took there left overs and gave them to the birds which they loved. Then we got back in our car and drove to Columbus, Ohio.


Annie said...

You stayed on the State side, right? It's gorgeous no matter what angle. Aren't you so glad you guys stopped by on your way to Missouri? That was a great idea you guys had!
Looked like Boston didn't like the water too, too much ;)