Monday, October 20, 2008

First Official Visitors

Late Wednesday night my parents and my youngest sister came into town and were our first official visitors. We were very excited to see them. Addy and Carter woke up at 6:30am and tried to wake them up. The first day we just hung around, the kids played with them outside and had a blast. On Friday we went up to Sharon, Vermont, the birthplace of Joseph Smith and saw the memorial. There was such a calm feeling and it was very beautiful there. The granite monument is 38 1/2 feet tall, one foot for every year of the Prophet's life. It weighs 40 tons and is one of the largest single pieces of flawless granite in the world. It took 33 days to move the granite 5 1/2 miles using oxen and 22 horses. It was amazing!
We then went to Ben and Jerry's and had ice cream. The kids loved it. Then we went to Cabot cheese and had samples, Chaplain chocolate, Pajama gram, and Vermont teddy bear. The kids did very good in the car.


Unknown said...

It says Nate, but it's really Di posting :)

I'm so jealous you have visitors! My parents were supposed to be here right now but had to cancel their trip. It looks like you're having a great time with them!

Anonymous said...

Ice cream, cheese, chocolate and teddy bears. If I were still a kid, I don't think I could ask for a better day! :)