Sunday, April 7, 2013

Big Boy Turns 4

January 7, 2013
Today was Boston's Birthday and he turned 4 years old.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  We went to the store and asked Boston what he wanted and he didn't really want anything so we decided to wait a few weeks and then go back and then he got some great toys for really cheap. 
For his Birthday he wanted to go to Texas Road to eat dinner, he even rode the horse saddle while everyone sang Happy Birthday to him.  For a cake I was going to make him one but when we went to the store to get the ingredients he decided that he wanted cupcakes. 
Boston is full of energy and always keeps us on our toes.  He loves to dance and sing!  He loves to go to preschool and loves being outside.  He loves to play sports and is very good at them.  Boston is so excited for his new brother or sister and he tells everyone that his mom is having a baby.  Boston is such a good kid and we love him so much!

Birthday Questions
What makes you happy? Saying I love you
What makes you sad? When Addy and Carter punch me in the face
What is your favorite thing to do? Play outside
What are you really good at?  Ridding my bike
What is your favorite food and drink?  Hot dogs and V8 V Fusion
What is your favorite color?  Green
Where is your favorite lace to go?  Texas Road House
Who are your best friends?  Wesley and Eli
What is your favorite TV show?  Daniel Tigers Neighborhood
What are your favorite books?  Spider man
What is something Mommy always says to you?  I love you
How do you know mommy and daddy love you?  You say I love you
What is your favorite treat?  Crepes (it sounds like he says grapes)
What is your favorite thing in school?  Playing outside
What is your favorite time of year?  Christmas
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A doctor who can do butts and guts