Sunday, April 6, 2014

Laney Bug

 August 19, 2013
We are home and everyone is loving on Delaney.  Will and my mom went out and got some pink clothes and bows because we didn't have any.  About 2 years ago there was a family in our ward who's family was  have 2 baby girls and were in despite  need of clothes and things for them so I went through all my stuff and gave them lots of stuff because we were not sure we were having anymore kids and if we did we didn't know if it was going to be a girl and everything was 10 years old. 
Carter is such a wonderful big brother!  Its so fun to watch the older kids just look at her and love on her!
It was so wonderful to have my mother there to help.  She was so helpful.  She is such a great Mom and grandma!

Addy loves her sister so much!  Everyone has to fight Addy to hold Delaney.  She is very protective of her too. 

Right from the get go Delaney has always smiled.  Here is one of her first smiles!

Boston loves her so so so much!
While my mom was here she helped Addy make a few skirts.  Addy got to pick out the material and then sew some of the straight lines.  Addy loves to sew and so this was great for her.  My mom  is a great seamstress. 
Finally in some PINK!!!