Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cool Tree and Santa

 December 23, 2012
Tonight while we were all in our pj's and slippers we went out and looked at all the lights around town.  When the kids saw this tree they wanted to get out and see the tree even in all their sleep gear.  We even saw a house that had the lights go to a bunch of songs.  The kids are very excited to be able to put lights on our own house in the near future. 

I'm not one of those moms who gets their kids in their best clothes to go see Santa, mostly cause I just don't think about it and also if I tried my kids would fight me all the way.  The boys were very excited to see him and Addy was a little hesitant, she thinks she is getting to old to do that.  Finally we got all the kids up there and this is the picture we got.  What a bunch of cute kids!