Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Busy Few Days!

 May 10, 2013
Will took Carter and Boston to the Father and Son camp out with our ward, so Addy and I had a girls night.  We went out to eat and then came home and did face masks, hair treatment and nails.  It was so fun!
 During the week Boston's preschool had a Mother's Day brunch and songs and it was so fun to watch him sing and be excited to do it. 
 This is the towel that Boston  made me!
 After the boys came home from the Father and son camp out they brought me these beautiful flowers for Mother's Day!  I am very loved!  Sunday on Mother's Day we went on a family bike ride on the trails and had a great time!
 Will got off early one day and so Will, Boston and me went golfing.  It was wonderful warm weather and Boston had a great time with Mommy and Daddy!
On my birthday I went and bought a cake so that I didn't have to make one, Happy Birthday to ME!
Since Carter's Birthday was after school was going to be out we brought in cupcakes so he could celebrate, he was so excited to have cupcakes and have everyone ask him questions about himself.